
The danger from an electrical shock depends on the type of current, how high the voltage is, how the current traveled through the body, the person’s overall health and how quickly the person is treated.

An electrical shock may cause burns, or it may leave no visible mark on the skin. In either case, an electrical current passing through the body can cause damage inside the body, cardiac arrest or other injury. Sometimes, even a small amount of electricity can be fatal.

When to seek emergency care

Call 911 or your local emergency number if the injured person has:

  • Severe burns.
  • Confusion.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Heart rhythm problems.
  • Cardiac arrest.
  • Muscle pain and contractions.
  • Seizures.
  • Loss of consciousness.

Take this action right away while waiting for medical help:

  • Turn off the source of electricity, if possible. If not, use a dry, nonconducting object made of cardboard, plastic or wood to move the source away from you and the injured person.


  • Begin CPR if the person shows no signs of circulation, such as breathing, coughing or movement.
  • Try to prevent the injured person from becoming chilled.
  • Apply a bandage. Cover any burned areas with a sterile gauze bandage, if available, or a clean cloth. Don’t use a blanket or towel because loose fibers can stick to the burns.

What to avoid

  • Don’t touch an injured person who is still in contact with an electrical current.
  • Call 911 or your local emergency number if the source of the burn is a high-voltage wire or lightning. Don’t get near high-voltage wires until the power is turned off. Overhead power lines usually aren’t insulated. Stay at least 20 feet (about 6 meters) away — farther if wires are jumping and sparking.
  • Don’t move a person with an electrical injury unless there is immediate danger.

When to call your doctor

A person who has been injured by contact with electricity should see a healthcare professional.


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June 18, 2024