LGBTQ+ Community Dementia Resources

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The LGBTQ+ community may face particular challenges related to Alzheimer’s and dementia. These include finding inclusive and welcoming health care providers, less ability to call upon adult children for assistance, concerns about stigma and higher rates of poverty and social isolation. 

Dementia and the LGBTQ+ community

These documents from the Alzheimer’s Association describe the issues that members of the LGBTQ+ community and their loved ones experience and offer guidance for navigating these challenges.


  • Issues Brief: LGBTQ+ and Dementia (PDF), a collaboration with SAGE, outlines specific issues of concern related to LGBTQ+ people with dementia, including stigma, family composition, poverty and social isolation.
  • LGBTQ+ Older Adults and Dementia (PDF) is a guide for LGBTQ+ community members living with Alzheimer’s or other dementia.
  • This infographic on the LGBTQ+ community (PDF) and dementia includes important information about the LGBTQ+ community and dementia, including data about the challenges members of the community face accessing care.
  • ALZPride: Voices of the LGBTQ+ Community is a panel discussion featuring Clint Kershaw, diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment in 2017 at age 56, and his partner, Jeff, sharing how they navigate this disease together; Reynaldo Mireles from SAGE describing their work in communities, particularly communities of color; and Dan Stewart from HRC (Human Rights Campaign), discussing progress toward becoming more trans-inclusive and how the Long-Term Care Equality Index promotes equitable and inclusive care for LGBTQ+ older adults in senior housing. See or download the video. Passcode: D%F$V3WQ

At the Alzheimer’s Association, we believe that diverse perspectives are critical to achieving health equity — meaning that all communities have a fair and just opportunity for early diagnosis and access to risk reduction and quality care. The Association is committed to engaging underrepresented and underserved communities and responding with resources and education to address the disproportionate impact of Alzheimer’s and dementia (PDF).

Caregiver resources for LGBTQ+ community membersMan getting haircut

Members of the LGBTQ+ community who are spouses, partners and family members caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s may also face challenges in finding culturally sensitive care, support networks and other resources.

Resources for LGBTQ+ community members

Family playing board gameThe Alzheimer’s Association, its national partners and other organizations provide resources for members of the LBGTQ+ community who are living with Alzheimer’s and other dementia. On our national blog, Dan Stewart of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation shares how the Human Rights Campaign is partnering with the Association to help ensure aging LGBTQ+ elders have access to Alzheimer’s information and resources. 

  • ALZConnected® is a free online community for people living with dementia and their caregivers. It includes a forum specifically for members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies to connect with one another.

  • SAGE, one of our national partners, is a national advocacy and services organization for LGBTQ+ elders. It provides resources on housing, long term care, discrimination and more issues that LGBTQ+ older adults face.

  • SAGE operates the National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging, which is the country’s first and only technical assistance resource center aimed at improving the quality of services and supports offered to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender older adults. It also provides listings of local resources.

  • SAGECare provides training on culturally competent care for LGBTQ+ older adults, including modules on LGBTQ+ people and dementia and training for memory care providers.

  • The SAGE National LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline connects older adults with resources: 877.360.LGBT (5428)

  • The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association advocates for health equity and provides a directory of health care providers for those seeking a LGBTQ+-friendly doctor or other health professional.

  • Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.

Clinical study findings from the Alzheimer’s Association

There is relatively little clinical research on the LGBTQ+ community and Alzheimer’s and other dementia, but more researchers are exploring these important and neglected issues.

  • Members of the LGBTQ+ community face an increased risk of subjective cognitive decline compared to cisgender heterosexual Americans. NPR covered this finding.

  • The first large scale study of dementia among LGBTQ+ adults ages 60-plus found a 7.4% prevalence rate.

  • Research Inclusion Supports Equity (RISE) is a research study being conducted by Emory University, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The RISE study includes a research registry created to help ensure the LGBTQ+ community is represented in Alzheimer’s research.

Our commitment to the LBGTQ+ community

The Alzheimer’s Association proudly stands in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. We recognizeSafe space logo the importance of fostering inclusivity, acceptance and equality for all individuals — regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. At the same time, we acknowledge that health challenges such as Alzheimer’s and dementia affect all brains, regardless of identity. We are committed to creating safe and supportive spaces within our organization and beyond, where everyone can thrive and be their authentic selves, even in the face of such challenges.

The Alzheimer’s Association strategically partners with national and local organizations to advance health equity, access to Association resources and inclusion in the fight to end Alzheimer’s. Learn more about our partners and partnerships as part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion.

We are excited to participate in and support upcoming Pride parades and festivals. Look for the Alzheimer’s Association at these events, where we will stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.

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