On Monday, unverified rumors alleging Dawood Ibrahim's "poisoning" and subsequent hospitalization in Karachi, Pakistan, went viral. 

Unverified Poisoning Claims 


Speculation about Dawood Ibrahim's health and potential demise has circulated for a while. These unverified claims.

Persistent Health Rumors 


Dawood Ibrahim, the most sought-after gangster in India, has maintained a mysterious life, with India claiming solid proof of his headquarters in Karachi 

Underworld Don's Mysterious Life  


Pakistan's unintentional acknowledgment of Dawood's presence on its soil came in 2020 when his name appeared on a list submitted to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) 

International Acknowledgment 


Dawood Ibrahim's international notoriety is highlighted by his classification as a worldwide terrorist by both the US and India since 2003. A $25 million reward has been set by the US due to his suspected role in the 1993 Mumbai bombing.

Global Terrorist Classification 


Beyond illegal activities, Dawood has been linked to the financing of Bollywood films and connections with celebrities. Despite being one of the most sought individuals globally, he has successfully avoided capture. 

Bollywood Connections